November, 2019
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Alukoffer Aluboxen Lagerboxen Alukisten Kisten Alublech B-Serie + Schloss
BERUF I HAUS I GARTEN I FREIZEIT. Teilen Sie uns Ihre Rufnummer mit, wir rufen Sie an. Senden Sie uns eine Nachricht. Alutec Aluboxen Lagerboxen Alukisten Kisten in verschiedenen Größen – B-Serie. Alukisten aus Vollalumium mit Schloss und Deckeldichtung – Alutec B-Serie in verschiedenen Größen. Diese Alukisten sind zur sicheren Aufbewahrung und Transport in Handwerk, Freizeit und Sport gleichermassen gut geeignet. Verstauen Sie Werkzeug, Kleidung oder Lebensmittel beim Camping, auf der Baustelle oder auf Abenteuerreisen. Die umlaufende Gummidichtung im KastenprofiI schützen den Inhalt vor Staub und Spritzwasser. BESONDERHEITEN – 29 – 184 Liter Volumen – 0,8 mm starkes Aluminium – geringes Eigengewicht – Klappdeckel mit Fangbändern – leicht, stabil und formbeständig – Korrosions-, Witterungs- und Temperaturbeständig – selbst einklappende Sicherheitshandgriffe – stabile Hebelspannverschlüsse mit 2 gleichschließenden Zylinderschlössern – Bohrungen für Plomben- oder Vorhängeschloss PRODUKTDEATILS Inhalt/Volumen: 29 Liter bis 184 Liter Material: Vollaluminium Wandstärken: 0,8 mm Diese Serie besitzt keine Stapelecken. LIEFERUMFANG – 1 Aluminium-Kiste in Ihrer Größe – 2 Zylinderschlösser, 2 Schlüssel. Anndora GmbH Geschäftsführerin: Annedore Linder Adresse: Delitzscher Str. 79b 06116 Halle Deutschland Handelsregisternummer: HRB 16135 / Amtsgericht: Stendal USt-IDNr. DE 164447570 Ergänzende Angaben: Laut der neuen EU-Verordnung (EU) Nr. 524/2013 DES EUROPÄISCHEN PARLAMENTS UND DES RATES vom 21. Mai 2013 sind wir dazu verpflichtet, darauf hinzuweisen, dass Sie eine ab dem 15. Wir nehmen nicht an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teil. Das Gesetzes über die alternative Streitbeilegung in Verbrauchersachen fordert aber, dass wir Sie trotzdem auf eine für Sie zuständige Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle hinweisen: Zentrum für Europäischen Verbraucherschutz e. Beilegung von Streitfällen im Bereich des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs zwischen Unternehmern und Verbrauchern. Informationen zu den Versandmöglichkeiten die anndora bietet. Folgende Güter werden meistens mit DHL versendet. Pakete mit einem Gurtmaß welches (= Länge + 2x Breite + 2x Höhe) 300 cm und 31,5 kg nicht überschreitet. Einige außer die unten angegebenen Sonnenschirme und alle anderen Pakete mit nicht Paket konformen Maßen werden als Sperrgut versendet. Als Sperrgut gelten Pakete, die. In Quaderform die Paketmaße von 120 x 60 x 60 cm überschreiten. In Rollenform mehr als 5 kg wiegen oder in der Länge 120 cm bzw. Im Durchmesser 15 cm überschreiten. Weder quader- noch rollenförmig sind. Abstehende Teile oder lose Umschnürungen aufweisen oder keine formstabile Außenverpackung aus Wellpappe, Vollpappe oder Papier haben. Quaderform: bis Länge 200 cm, bis Gurtmaß (= Länge + 2x Breite + 2x Höhe) 360 cm. Quaderform: bis Länge 200 cm. Sonnenschirme mit den folgenden Maßen werden mit Spedition versendet: ø 4m ø 5m 3x3m 3x4m 4x4m Sonnenschirmständer und andere Güter die über 31,5 kg Gesamtgewicht haben werden mit Spedition versendet. Kisten mit einem Gurtmaß von über Gurtmaß welches (= Länge + 2x Breite + 2x Höhe) 300 cm beträgt werden mit Spedition versendet. Speditionsversand setzt die vorherige Avise der Spedition voraus. Dafür und für einen reibungslosen Ablauf benötigen wir Ihre Telefonnummer und die korrekte Lieferadresse! Bitte bedenken Sie, dass der standart Speditionsversand über eine Speditionsfirma ausgeführt wird. Wir müssen Rahmenbedingungen vereinbaren. Die hier enthaltene Lieferung umfasst die Lieferung frei Bordsteinkante. Sollten Sie andere Wünsche haben, so lassen Sie es uns wissen. Leider könnten Sonderwünsche bei der Spedition zu zusätzlichen Kosten führen. Möglich sind auch zeitlich begrenzte Anlieferungen. Die Aufpreise müssen für jeden Auftrag separat verhandelt werden, und sind nicht im standart Speditionsversand enthalten. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Batterien oder Akkus oder mit der Lieferung von Geräten, die Batterien oder Akkus enthalten, sind wir verpflichtet, Sie gemäß der Batterieverordnung auf folgendes hinzuweisen: Batterien oder Akkus dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll gegeben werden. Sie sind zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien oder Akkus als Endverbraucher gesetzlich verpflichtet. Sie können Batterien oder Akkus nach Gebrauch in der Verkaufsstelle oder in deren unmittelbarer Nähe z. In kommunalen Sammelstellen oder im Handel unentgeltlich zurückzugeben. Sie können Batterien oder Akkus auch per Post frankiert an uns zurücksenden. Batterien oder Akkus, die Schadstoffe enthalten, sind mit dem Symbol einer durchkreuzten Mülltonne gekennzeichnet. In der Nähe des Mülltonnensymbols befindet sich die chemische Bezeichnung des Schadstoffes. Cd steht für Cadmium, Pb für Blei und Hg für Quecksilber. Wir sind gemäß der Regelungen der Verpackungsverordnung dazu verpflichtet, Verpackungen unserer Produkte, die nicht das Zeichen eines Systems der flächendeckenden Entsorgung (wie etwa dem “Grünen Punkt” der Duales System Deutschland AG) tragen, zurückzunehmen und für deren Wiederverwendung oder Entsorgung zu sorgen. Zur weiteren Klärung der Rückgabe setzen Sie sich bei solchen Produkten bitte mit uns in Verbindung Wir nennen Ihnen dann eine kommunale Sammelstelle oder ein Entsorgungsunternehmen in Ihrer Umgebung, welches die Verpackungen kostenfrei entgegennimmt. Sollte dies nicht möglich sein, haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Verpackung frankiert an uns zu schicken anndora GmbH, Delitzscher Str. 79b, 06116 Halle Die Verpackungen werden von uns wieder verwendet oder gemäß der Bestimmungen der Verpackungsverordnung entsorgt. Hinweise zu Altöl / Getriebeöl (Altölverordnung / AltölV). Als Händler müssen wir unsere Kunden im Zusammenhang mit dem Vertrieb von Verbrennungsmotoren und Getriebeöl gemäß der Altölverordnung informieren: Altölannahmestellen sind zur Rücknahme der gebrauchten Öle oder Schmierstoffe eingerichtet. Auch Schadstoffmobile können angefordert werden! Bitte entsorgen Sie diese Stoffe nicht unsachgemäß, Sie gefährden die Umwelt! Jede Art der Beimischung von Fremdstoffen wie Lösemitteln, Brems -und Kühflüssigkeiten sind verboten! Sind Sie Verbraucher im Sinne des § 13 BGB, können Sie Altöl in der maximal bei uns erworbenen Menge wieder kostenlos bei uns im Warenlager anndora GmbH, Delitzscher str. 79b, 06116 Halle, Geschäftsführerin Annedore Linder abgeben bzw. Das gilt auch sinngemäß für bei uns erworbene Ölfilter und deren anfallende ölhaltige Abfälle bei regelmäßiger Wartung. Bei Rücksendung müssen Sie auf die jeweiligen Vorschriften des Versenders zur Verpackung achten: Öl gilt als Gefahrgut! Eine auslaufsicherere Verpackung ist hier meist Pflicht. Zur weiteren Klärung der Rückgabe setzen Sie sich bei solchen Produkten bitte vorher mit uns in Verbindung. Hinweise zu ElektroG – Informationen gem. Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte werden in immer größerer Menge produziert. Um dem daraus folgenden Müllproblem Herr zu werden, hat die EU entsprechende Maßnahmen ergriffen. Februar 2003 die EU-Richtlinien 2002/96/EG (WEEE) und 2002/95/EG (RoHS) in Kraft. Diese Richtlinien wurden in Deutschland im ElektroG umgesetzt. Nach diesem sind wir verpflichtet, Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte kostenfrei zurückzunehmen und zu entsorgen. August 2018 gilt nun das neue ElektroG. In dessen Anwendungsbereich fallen die folgenden sechs Produktkategorien. Bildschirme, Monitore und Geräte, die Bildschirme mit einer Oberfläche von mehr als 100 Quadratzentimeter enthalten. Geräte, bei denen mindestens eine der äußeren Abmessungen mehr als 50 Zentimeter beträgt (Großgeräte). Geräte, bei denen keine der äußeren Abmessungen mehr als 50 Zentimeter beträgt (Kleingeräte) sowie elektrische und elektronische Werkzeuge. Kleine Geräte der Informations- und Telekommunikationstechnik, bei denen keine der äußeren Abmessungen mehr als 50 Zentimeter beträgt. Mit der Rücknahme dieser Produkte soll der Elektroschrott verringert, die Umweltbelastung vermindert und Rohstoffe erhalten werden. Hersteller müssen eine umweltgerechte Entsorgung gewährleisten und die Entsorgungskosten tragen. Damit sollen Hersteller angehalten werden, die Qualität und Lebensdauer von E-Geräten zu erhöhen. Darüber hinaus sollen die Hersteller dazu angehalten werden, für eine gute Demontierbarkeit und Wiederverwertungsrate von Bauteilen zu sorgen. Wir sind bei der Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte-Register unter WEEE-Reg. Jeder im Sinne des § 17 Abs. 1 und 2 ElektroG rücknahmepflichtige Vertreiber von Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten im Sinne des ElektroG, hat private Haushalte zu informieren über die von ihm geschaffenen Möglichkeiten der Rückgabe von Altgeräten. Sie können Ihre Altgeräte auch an unser Versandlager in Halle zurück senden. Sie müssen einen Beleg aus Ihren Rechnugsdokumenten beilegen. Geschäftsführer: Annedore Linder HRB: 16135 Amtsgericht Stendal USt-ID-Nr. DE164447570 Weitere Verpflichtungen sind die Gerätekennzeichnung, die Erstellung einer insolvenzsicheren Garantie über die Rücknahme und Entsorgung von Altgeräten und ein Nachweis für die Organisation der Entsorgung von Altgeräten. Produktkennzeichnung und getrennte Erfassung: Ob ihr Produkt in eine dieser Kategorien fällt erkennen Sie an folgendem Symbol: Geräte, die so gekennzeichnet sind, dürfen nicht über den Restmüll entsorgt werden, sondern müssen dem verantwortlichen Hersteller oder Vertreiber übergeben werden, bzw. Müssen einer öffentlich-rechtlichen Sammelstelle zugeführt werden. Datenschutz: Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie dafür verantwortlich sind und dafür Sorge zu tragen haben, dass bei der Rücksendung von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten, die zur Speicherung von Daten fähig sind, keinerlei personenbezogene Daten mehr auf diesen vorhanden sind. Batterien und Akkus: Batterien und Akkus, die nicht vom Altgerät umschlossen sind, müssen vor der Abgabe an eine Erfassungsstelle vom Altgerät getrennt werden. Dies gilt nicht bei der Abgabe an öffentlich-rechtlichen Sammelstellen. Geschäftsführer: Annedore Linder HRB: 16135 USt-ID-Nr. Datenschutzerklärung der anndora GmbH. Diese Datenschutzerklärung beinhaltet die Arbeitsweise und den Umgang mit dem Erheben, Verarbeiten und Nutzen personenbezogenen Daten. Sie beruht auf den Begriffsbestimmungen, die in der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) benutzt wurden. Bei personenbezogenen Daten handelt es sich um alle Einzelangaben, die sich auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare natürliche Person (Betroffener) beziehen. Die verantwortliche Stelle ist jede Person oder Stelle, die personenbezogene Daten für sich selbst erhebt, verarbeitet oder nutzt oder dies durch andere im Auftrag vornehmen lässt. Diese Datenschutzhinweise gelten für die Datenverarbeitung durch folgende Verantwortliche: anndora GmbH Delitzscher Str. 79 06116 Halle (Saale) im Folgenden: anndora. Der Datenschutzbeauftragte der Verantwortlichen ist: halle. Zweck und Rechtsgrundlage der Erhebung und Speicherung personenbezogener Daten. Hierzu haben Sie bei Ihrer Registrierung eingewilligt. Dies erfolgt zum Zweck der Vertragsabwicklung zwischen Ihnen und anndora. Anndora speichert und verwendet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten im Einzelnen zur Ihrer Identifikation als Kunden, zur Kommunikation mit Ihnen, für eine erfolgreiche Bestellabwicklung, um Ihnen Rechnungen zu schicken und gegebenenfalls zur Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen gegen Sie. Darüber hinaus erhebt anndora keine personenbezogenen Daten von Ihnen. Die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten erfolgt somit auf der Grundlage des Art. B DSGVO zur Erfüllung vertraglicher Verpflichtungen. Anschließend werden die personenbezogenen Daten gelöscht, wenn nicht gem. C DSGVO verlängerte steuerliche oder handelsrechtliche Aufbewahrungs- und Dokumentationspflichten bestehen oder Ihre Einwilligung für eine darüberhinausgehende Speicherung nach Art. Empfänger der personenbezogenen Daten. Eine Übermittlung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten von anndora an weitere Personen erfolgt ausschließlich zur reibungslosen Vertragsabwicklung. Hierzu erfolgt eine Übermittlung an Lieferunternehmen, die mit der Lieferung von Waren beauftragt werden und die jeweils beauftragten Kreditinstitute zur Durchführung des Bezahlvorgangs. 1, 71636 Ludwigsburg, Deutschland übertragen. Mit den vorgenannten Auftragsverarbeitern haben wir Auftragsverarbeitungsvereinbarungen abgeschlossen. Hierbei wird ausschließlich das erforderliche Minimum an personenbezogenen Daten an unsere Dienstleister übermittelt. Die durch die Bonitätsprüfung erlangte Auskunft kann sog. Score-Werte, also Wahrscheinlichkeitswerte, enthalten. In die Berechnung derer fließen neben anderen Daten Ihre Adressdaten ein. Die Berechnungen finden ihre Grundlage in einem wissenschaftlich anerkannten mathematisch-statistischen Verfahren. Weiterhin gibt anndora Ihre persönlichen Daten weiter, wenn: a gem. F DSGVO die Weitergabe zur Geltendmachung, Ausübung oder Verteidigung von Rechtsansprüchen erforderlich ist und Sie kein überwiegendes schutzwürdiges Interesse an einer Nichtübermittlung Ihrer Daten haben, b gem. C DSGVO für die Weitergabe eine gesetzliche Verpflichtung besteht, c oder Ihre Einwilligung dazu erteilt wurde. Im Rahmen des Bestellprozesses wird überdies eine Einwilligung von Ihnen zur Übermittlung Ihrer Daten eingeholt. Eine weitere Übermittlung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten aus anderen als den vorgenannten Gründen findet nicht statt. Sie haben das Recht: a gem. 15 DSGVO Auskunft über die von anndora verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Sie können Auskunft über die Verarbeitungszwecke, die Kategorien der personenbezogenen Daten, die Kategorien von Empfängern, die geplante Speicherdauer, das Bestehen eines Rechts auf Berichtigung, Löschung, Einschränkung der Verarbeitung oder Widerspruch, das Bestehen eines Beschwerderechts, die Herkunft ihrer Daten, falls diese nicht durch anndora erhoben wurden, und über das Bestehen einer automatisierten Entscheidungsfindung einschließlich Profiling und ggf. Aussagekräftigen Informationen zu deren Einzelheiten verlangen; b gem. 16 DSGVO unverzüglich die Berichtigung unrichtiger oder Vervollständigung Ihrer bei anndora gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen; c gem. 17 DSGVO die Löschung Ihrer bei anndora gespeicherten personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen; d gem. 18 DSGVO die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen; e gem. 20 DSGVO Ihre personenbezogenen Daten in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesebaren Format zu erhalten oder die Übermittlung an einen anderen Verantwortlichen zu verlangen; f gem. 3 DSGVO Ihre erteilte Einwilligung jederzeit zu widerrufen; g gem. 77 DSGVO sich bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde zu beschweren und h gemäß Art. 22 DSGVO nicht einer automatisierten Einzelentscheidung oder Profiling unterworfen zu sein. Sie das Recht gem. 21 DSGVO Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten, die aufgrund von Art. F DSGVO erfolgt, einzulegen. Anndora ergreift geeignete technische und organisatorische Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, um Ihre personenbezogenen Daten vor Manipulation, Verlust, Zerstörung oder gegen den unbefugten Zugriff Dritter zu schützen. Ein ausgiebiges Picknick im Sommer funktioniert nur, wenn man eine schöne praktische Picknickdecke dabei hat. Picknicktaschen für 2 bis 6 personen oder für die romantische Zweisamkeit. Kompakte Isoliertasche – hält Speisen und Getränke lange auf gewünschter Temperatur. Genießen Sie den Sommer beim Picknicken unter freiem Himmel. Das nötige Equipment finden Sie hier. Viele Farben nach jedem Geschmack. Aufregende und moderne Designs für Liebhaber trendiger Picknickkörbe. Hier finden Sie Kühltaschen für 2 bis 4 Personen mit entsprechendem Platz für Speisen und Getränke. Verpassen Sie keine Angebote mehr! The item “Alukoffer Aluboxen Lagerboxen Alukisten Kisten Alublech B-Serie + Schloss” is in sale since Tuesday, July 31, 2012. This item is in the category “Business & Industrie\Transport & Logistik\Regale & Lagerung\Sonstige”. The seller is “anndora” and is located in Halle/Saale. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Marke: Alutec
Knife Display Case Storage Cabinet Tool Box, KC01-BL
Collector Knife Display Case Cabinet with glass top shadow box, solid wood. If you like the other wood finish please our other listings. The picture speaks for itself. It is so beautiful. The is the best piece you can get for a serious knife collector. A great way to display your knife collection with see thru glass on the top. Fine fabric felt matted on the bottom of each drawer to create a elegant display while protecting the knife from damages. Super fine smooth surface and fancy appearance. This masterpiece is a necessity for knife collectors. Dimensions: 12″H X 19 3/4″L X 9″3/8″W. Different Measurements for Drawers: Top is 14.5″ X 7″ wide. Each one down increase by about half inch. The bottom one has 17.5″ length from the front to the back with the depth at 1.5″. The width are the same at 7 for all drawers. We strive on providing the finest craftsmanship on all of our products and customer service is our highest priority. Our quality is Satisfaction Guaranteed. In manufacturing, each piece of natural hardwood is hand selected to provide the best raw material for our display cases. While our cases involve an extensive amount of handwork, our craftsmen have used only the finest woodworking techniques. Our collectible display cases’ gives you all the principles of “Value”: Great Price, Quality, Durability, and Functionality… Which you will love today and tomorrow. Virgin Islands, APO, or Int’l Countries. The item “Knife Display Case Storage Cabinet Tool Box, KC01-BL” is in sale since Sunday, January 27, 2019. This item is in the category “Collectibles\Knives, Swords & Blades\Collectible Folding Knives\Modern Folding Knives\Factory Manufactured”. The seller is “bestbuydisplays” and is located in Daly City, California. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Case
Makita MAKPAC Pack of 5 x Stacking Connector Tool Cases Type 1 396 x 296 x 105
Fixings Adhesives and Sealants. Levels Measuring and Testing. Power Tools & Accessories. Tool Storage & Pouches. Workwear Safety and Security. 500,000+ 5 Star reviews. On all orders to the UK Mainland. Top brands at low prices. Range of tools including top brands. Makita MAKPAC Pack of 5 x Stacking Connector Tool Cases Type 1 396 x 296 x 105. Black Decker KA161 Detail Mouse Palm Sander + Sanding Sheets KA161BC. These Makita Cases are suitable for the following machines: 4329 4350CT 4350FCT 4351FCT JV0600 DA331D DF030D DF330D HP330D TD090D TW100D HP1631 HP1640 HP1641 HP2051 HP2071F JR100D JR102D JV100D Choose The Correct Case Description of Makita Stacking Connector Tool Cases: Tough, versatile toolboxes to keep your Makita tools safe and secure. The Makita connector cases features a catch that allows the box to be locked, opened and connected to other systainer cases in Makitas range. Contents can be accessed quickly and easily when multiple boxes are stacked together. Features of Makita Stacking Connector Tool Cases: Stacking cases with connecting clips, compatible with other makes of case systainer including Festool and Tanos. Specifications of the Makita 821549-5 Connector Case (Type 1) Length: 396 mm Width: 296 mm Height: 105 mm Quantity: 5. Our carriers apply a surcharge to certain UK Islands, Northern Ireland and the Scottish Islands, unfortunately we have to pass this charge on to our customers. Whilst we do not want to pass on surcharges to our customers we are unable to absorb the full cost of sending to these orders. The only exception to this are items that are delivered on a palletised service which will have to be booked in with a member of our Buyaparcel team. Any parcel being delivered by courier will require a signature on arrival. If you are not at home the driver will leave an information card. You can track the progress of your parcel by the Track My Order link at the top of the page. If your goods have been sent by a trackable service you will be able to track your order stage by stage using the couriers online tracking system. Buyaparcel UK Deliveries – Couriers. Tel: 08451 552 552. If the date and time is not convenient, you can simply either text back or reply back via the website to choose the next convenient date, leave in a safe place or leave with a neighbour. Please check the UKMAIL/DHL site for your closet depot. Details of these zones are below. Zone 2 The Highlands and Islands of Scotland postcodes IV, HS, KA27-28, KW, PA20-49, PA60-78, PH17-26, PH30-44, PH49-50, ZE. Zone 3 Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Isles of Scilly -postcodes BT, IM, TR21-25. Please note – items over 1.4m are manually handled through sortation, this can cause the item to take up to 48hrs to be delivered. If you goods are being delivered on a pallet, you will need to sign for this. Buyaparcel International Deliveries – Couriers. We are able to service most of mainland Europe using the DHL Connect and Express Services. Our team work extremely hard to get your parcels to your door is the shortest possible time but please note that we recommend you do not book a plumber etc until you have received and checked your goods. Credit / Debit card – We accept all major credit and debit cards. Please call 01502 473025. The order must be sent to the same address as the billing address. Please call 01502 473025 for further information. Once you inform a member our team, you can then return the parcel within 30 days of receiving the goods. This is under the following conditions. Carriage charges for returning unwanted parcels or items ordered in error are at your expense, we cannot be held responsible for this. Please use a traceable service, otherwise there is a possibility the courier could misdeliver your goods and your parcel will not be relocated. We cannot be responsible for which courier you choose to return any items back with. It is highly important that you check your goods as soon as they are received. Damaged items delivered with Palletways must be noted when you sign for it and reported to us within 24 hours. It must be signed as either damaged or unchecked for the claim to hold. Return costs will only be covered if authorised by a member of the Buyaparcel team. We cannot be held responsible for an arranged collection that fails. If this occurs, you will need to return the parcel of your own accord, no matter the reason for the original collection. Faulty Goods: If your item arrives faulty, you must report it to us within 24 hours. Emailing us that you wish to cancel your order does NOT guarantee its cancellation. Only once the order has been confirmed as cancelled by a member of our team is this the case. Once an order is in the despatching process, we are then unable to cancel it. We do not take financial responsibility for the cost of the return of any products ordered in error or that are no longer wanted. If this is the case you will be contacted by the carrier advising how to arrange redelivery. Your statutory rights will not be affected. We cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred whilst you are in communication with our team. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE. Makita MAKPAC Stacking Connector Tool Case Systainer TYPE 2 + Foam Insert. Makita MAKPAC 3 Stacking Connector Tool Case Systainer with Wheeled Cart Trolley. Makita DHR242Z 18v LXT Li-Ion 3 Mode 3KG SDS Rotary Hammer Drill + MakPac Case. Makita DFS452Z 18v Brushless High Speed Lithium Screwdriver Bare + Makpac Case. Makita DHR202Z 18v SDS Hammer Drill 3 Function 2kg LXT Lithium + Makpac Case. Makita BO6030 110v 6 150mm Random Orbital Sander + Sanding Sheets + Makpac Case. Makita MAKPAC 837670-0 Inner Tray Inlay Type 2 Case DTD129 DTD146 DTD152. Makita 10.8v CXT Power Pack – 2 x BL1020 2.0ah Battery + DC10WC Charger + Makpac. SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER. Stay up to date with our special offers & promotions. The item “Makita MAKPAC Pack of 5 x Stacking Connector Tool Cases Type 1 396 x 296 x 105″ is in sale since Friday, July 8, 2016. This item is in the category “Home, Furniture & DIY\DIY Tools & Workshop Equipment\Tool Boxes & Storage\Tool Boxes”. The seller is “buyaparcel-store” and is located in GB. This item can be shipped to all countries in Europe, United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, Antigua and barbuda, Bahrain, Brazil, New Zealand, China, Israel, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Barbados, Brunei darussalam, Cayman islands, Dominica, Ecuador, Egypt, Guadeloupe, Grenada, French guiana, Jordan, Cambodia, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Sri lanka, Macao, Maldives, Montserrat, Martinique, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Paraguay, Reunion, Turks and caicos islands, Aruba, Saudi arabia, South africa, United arab emirates, Chile, Bahamas, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Kuwait, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, El salvador, Trinidad and tobago, Uruguay, Viet nam.
- Type: Makpac
- Brand: Makita
- Manufacturer: Makita
- Unit Quantity: 2
- Storage Type: Tool Case
- Foam Insert: Not included
ABS Werkzeug Hartschalen Elektriker Trolley Koffer kiste Kasten Tool box 61019-A
ABS-Trolley-Werkzeugkoffer “DELTA – XXL Mobil”. Maße: Innenmaß: 460 x 350 x (105 + 70) mm Außenmaß: 490 x 415 x 265 mm. Gewicht: 6,100 kg. Aus stabilem ABS-Material je eine Werkzeugtafel in Boden und Deckel mit insgesamt 32 Werkzeugseparationen und Dokumentenfach separates Dokumentenfach mit diversen Taschen und Stiftehaltern im Deckel variable ABS-Bodenschale ca. 415x315x65mm mit 3 Trennstegen stabile Deckelhalter 70mm breiter Aluminiumrahmen Rahmen-Innenmaß: ca. 455x350mm 2-Komponenten Handgriff automatische Einhandschlösser (mit Schlüssel, im Lieferumfang enthalten) zentrales Nummernschloß mit ausziehbarem Trolleysystem und integrierten Rollen. Der Artikel wird leer, ohne eventuell abgebildete Bestückung angeboten. Artikel können leicht von den Abbildungen abweichen. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Alle Maße sind ca. Änderungen aufgrund technischer Notwendigkeiten möglich. The item “ABS Werkzeug Hartschalen Elektriker Trolley Koffer kiste Kasten Tool box 61019-A” is in sale since Monday, December 8, 2014. This item is in the category “Heimwerker\Werkzeuge\Elektrowerkzeug- & Druckluftgerät-Zubehör\Oszillierendes Multifunktionswerkzeug-Zubehör”. The seller is “bullmann-gmbh” and is located in Pulheim. This item can be shipped worldwide.
- Marke: albu Cases&Bags
- Material: ABS
- Farbe: schwarz
- Herstellernummer: 61019
- Besonderheiten: Abschließbar
- Außenmaß:: ca. 490 x 415 x 265 mm
- EAN: 4020937610192
2 in 1 Utility Rolling Tool Organize Cabinet Box Tool Chest Sliding Drawer Black
Description: Our tool storage box protects your tools while upgrading your workspace. Use our tool storage cabinet to arrange tools and supplies for off-site work. The cart is equipped with two-storey tools and has five drawers with a maximum load of 220.5lbs. Super storage space to meet your needs. Combination cabinet with flexible lockable wheels and comfortable handles allow you to easily carry tools out to different working places. In addition, it has anti-seismic EVA material and lock rod design, which means that your tools and equipment will be well protected in travel and harsh construction environment. What are you waiting for? Features: Five drawers, two trays, a large bottom cabinet and a top box drawer, large storage capacity Large load capacity, a drawer can load 11 lbs, a total load is up to 220.5 lbs Steel material for cabinet body, firm and durable Four 360-degree revolving universal wheels, two of which have brakes Five drawers with slide rails, which operate smoothly without sticking There are four hooks for hanging tools on the side door EVA mats in each drawer and at the top of lower box to protect your tools Use lock bars to stop drawers from sliding out and lock the tool box (small lock are not included) Specifications Color: as the picture shows Main Material: Steel, rubber-plastic synthetic wheel Overall Dimension: 23″×11″×40.5(L×W×H) Upper Case Dimension:17.5 X 9.5 X 13 (L×W×H) Lower Cabinet Dimension: 23 X 11 X 27.5(L×W×H) Weight Capacity of Each Drawer: 11lbs Total Weight Capacity: 220.5lbs Net Weight:38lbs Package includes 1 X Tool Combination Cabinet. The item “2 in 1 Utility Rolling Tool Organize Cabinet Box Tool Chest Sliding Drawer Black” is in sale since Thursday, October 24, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Tools & Workshop Equipment\Tool Boxes & Storage\Tool Boxes”. The seller is “toolsempire” and is located in Fontana,CA. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: unbrand
- Model: TL35115BK-DT
- MPN: TL35115BK-DT
- Type: does not apply
- Material: does not apply
- Number of Drawers: see description
- Features: Does not apply
- Color: as the picture shows
- Item Width: 11.000
- Item Length: 23.000
- Item Height: 40.500
- Custom Label: TL35115BK-DT
- Voltage: does not apply
1989+ Freightliner Classic Stainless Steel Front Panels for Battery Tool Box-43
Freightliner Classic Front Panels for Standard Battery Tool Boxes 4 Panels Year: 1989+ Material: Stainless Steel What’s included: Hardware Dimension: 43 Long Installation: Mounts to Front of Box with Bolts and Adhesive. Once you have completed checkout we are unable to make changes to your order. We are not responsible for compatibility issues. If you have any questions about this item, please send us a message. We are all just humans after all and mistakes can happen. We do everything we can to resolve any issues. Your Chrome Country Team. The item “1989+ Freightliner Classic Stainless Steel Front Panels for Battery Tool Box-43″ is in sale since Tuesday, April 18, 2017. This item is in the category “eBay Motors\Parts & Accessories\Commercial Truck Parts\Exterior, Body & Frame\Molding & Trim”. The seller is “” and is located in Smyrna, Tennessee. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: Trux
- Manufacturer Part Number: TF-1601
- Type: Battery Tool Box Panels
- Warranty: 1 Year
- Component Type: Truck Bed Component
- Make: Freightliner
- Model: Classic
- Part Type: Battery/Tool/Step Box
- Vehicle System: Exterior
2 in 1 Tool Chest & Cabinet with 5 Sliding Drawers Rolling Garage Organizer
Description: Our tool storage box protects your tools while upgrading your workspace. Use our tool storage cabinet to arrange tools and supplies for off-site work. The cart is equipped with two-storey tools and has five drawers with a maximum load of 220.5lbs. Super storage space to meet your needs. Combination cabinet with flexible lockable wheels and comfortable handles allow you to easily carry tools out to different working places. In addition, it has anti-seismic EVA material and lock rod design, which means that your tools and equipment will be well protected in travel and harsh construction environment. What are you waiting for? Features: Five drawers, two trays, a large bottom cabinet and a top box drawer, large storage capacity Large load capacity, a drawer can load 11 lbs, a total load is up to 220.5 lbs Steel material for cabinet body, firm and durable Four 360-degree revolving universal wheels, two of which have brakes Five drawers with slide rails, which operate smoothly without sticking There are four hooks for hanging tools on the side door EVA mats in each drawer and at the top of lower box to protect your tools Humanized handle design for convenient to move tool combination cabinet Use lock bars to stop drawers from sliding out and lock the tool box (small lock are not included) Specifications Color: as the picture shows Main Material: Steel, rubber-plastic synthetic wheel Overall Dimension: 23″×11″×40.5(L×W×H) Upper Case Dimension:17.5 X 9.5 X 13 (L×W×H) Lower Cabinet Dimension: 23 X 11 X 27.5(L×W×H) Weight Capacity of Each Drawer: 11lbs Total Weight Capacity: 220.5lbs Net Weight:38lbs Package includes 1 X Tool Combination Cabinet. The item “2 in 1 Tool Chest & Cabinet with 5 Sliding Drawers Rolling Garage Organizer” is in sale since Wednesday, September 4, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Tools & Workshop Equipment\Tool Boxes & Storage\Tool Boxes”. The seller is “toolsempire” and is located in Fontana,CA. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Brand: unbrand
- Model: US-1L35115RE
- MPN: US-1L35115RE
- Type: does not apply
- Material: does not apply
- Number of Drawers: see description
- Features: Does not apply
- Color: As pictures show
- Custom Label: US-1L35115RE
- Voltage: does not apply
Seville Classics Heavy Duty XL 4-Drawer Rolling Cabinet Locking Steel Tool Box
Seville Classics Heavy Duty 4-Drawer Rolling Cabinet XL. We have a proven track record over the years. We have 1000s of satisfied customers all over the world. Orders are processed around the clock every day for best service! Organize and store your tools with the UltraHD Rolling Cabinet with Drawers. With a simple lock and key system, this rolling cabinet offers exceptional storage capacity for all of your garage tools and supplies. Each unit comes with a set of 5-inch wheels with two locking casters, keeping your cabinet mobile or stationary. Equipped with a heavy duty three-quarter inch solid hardwood work surface, you can easily and effectively layout your tools and supplies on its 28-inch by 20-inch surface. The cabinet also houses a locker-style compartment, equipped with a 17-inch by 13-inch shelf for added storage convenience. The drawers slide on heavy duty ball bearing and can hold up to 40 lbs. The doors and drawers are stainless steel and casing is powder coated steel. Granite Powder Coated Steel Frame. 0.75 inch thick hard wood top. Four slide out drawers with shelf liners. One cabinet with adjustable shelf. Stainless Steel Drawer Fronts and Cabinet Door. Four 5.5 Inch Heavy Duty Wheels (2 locking). Key locks for cabinet and drawers. Assembled Dimensions 20′ D x 28′ W x 34.5′ H. Chrome push bar in front. Bottom corner protection bumpers. 28’W x 25’D x 34.5’H. Heavy duty powder coated steel storage cabinet. Item includes four drawers and a one door cabinet. Hard wood top, stainless steel drawer fronts and door. 5-inch wheels (2 locking), drawer and door key locks. Key locks for cabinets and drawers. Took a while to put together but after done it looked great. Solidly built and easy to move around on large casters. Very roomy drawers and main cabinet. Quality is always exceptional, instructions are clear and products are easily assembled. Amazing value for the price. It took a little longer to put together than I expected but, it was worth it. High quality and well engineered. Very happy with this. The directions were confusing at first, but once you understood it. Great, and sturdy cabinet. This is a cabinet that I bought to organize my woodworking tools and supplies. The drawer slides run smooth and the compartments are good size. The quality of this unit is out standing. There are many parts and screws but fit ad finished product is outstanding. The only thing I wish were different is that the bumpers above the wheels should be non marring. They leave black marks on my wall when they rug against the wall. It fits in a very tight space next to a sink. This is not a 10 min. Please don’t just look at the pieces and assume you know how they go together. If you do not follow the steps in the order given you will end up taking sections apart and redoing them. This is especially true with the assembly of the drawers. I love the big wheels and solid feel of the overall unit. Metal is a little thin but for the price it is perfect for my hobby garage. Well made cabinet and looks great. We now own 3 of these for our church. We used 1 as a cart for loading equipment in and out of a facility, now we use all three as part of our coffee bar and check-in areas. They are great, and pair perfectly with their counter/workbench product. They slide right underneath and look like built-ins or roll out to provide extra counter space. The combination of drawers and cabinet space is great. I read the reviews at Walmart and Amazon before purchasing. Pros- It looks exactly as pictured, and is exactly as described. All three other people who have seen it have said that, unsolicited. I did struggle to get one screw in, clearance / alignment issue. I think it is suitable for the garage, or even the workshop / office as in my case. It is very well designed and well manufactured. The drawers are strong. The metal gauge is perfectly sized for my usage needs. The back panel seems thinner, but it is only exposed to potential impact damage on rear of the inside of the cabinet side. I do not think it is an issue. The cabinet door latches with a magnetic strip. The drawers have a cam like feeling on full closure. They will not slide open on their own. The are two keys for each: cabinet side and draw side. Cons- For use in the workshop office I would prefer a little more uniformity in the butcher block top. One top is very attractive with similar wood tones between pieces. The other has some darker pieces thrown in, which come to my attention when I look at it from the top down. Still, I really like them both. Finally, it was never advertising as being like I might prefer. So, it came as described. Again, they are great! One had no issues. The other had one moderately bent corner on the rear panel. I straightened it on a flat surface with a rubber mallet. Barely detectable after that. It is hidden from view anyway. Assembly is required. It took me 15 minutes to unpack, and 15 minutes to clean up after. There is a lot of cardboard and foam panels. Assembly itself must have taken 1.5-or more hours. There are a lot of screws and it all holds together very well. The instructions are very clear. Very sturdy and surprisingly easy to put together. All the Seville products go together great…. This my second garage piece from them. Solid cabinet with smooth drawers. It takes a while to assemble but it’s not difficult. Easily delivered by ups or fdx. I love how easily it rolls and it is super sturdy. I was able to assemble this by myself using the included phillips screwdriver. Instructions were very clear and easy to follow. The Quality is awesome, and I would highly recommend this for any number of uses. Using it for storage of medications and charts in a small Adult Family Home. The cart arrived in boxes, but plan to spend at least hour and half assembling – and that’s with help. We didn’t have any problems as everything was where it was supposed to be, but it is very detailed. Read ahead — sometimes you have to undo what you just did. Seems very good quality and will serve the purpose we need it for just fine. Perfect for My Needs. I build small props and live in a small NYC apartment. Using my drill press effectively was a bit difficult, so I bought this item to serve as a drill press table and storage unit. Assembly was time consuming but very easy and can be done by one person. The instructions were very clear and should be followed. If you have a power drill/driver that will speed things up. Make sure it’s on low torque. The unit is sturdy, yet small enough to fit in tight spaces. It has ample storage space and will hold quite a bit of items. The wheels are big and beefy and roll smoothly. Overall a great unit for my needs. And looks great in the Studio! A very satisfied customer! A Great Storage Cabinet. The greatest feature of this cabinet is the deeper drawers. It also fits nicely under the Seville workbench. Assembly is easy with well written instructions. The large casters roll easly. Assembled solo in about 2.5 hours, taking my time to do it right. You could do faster. Sturdy cabinet that fits together well. Rolls easily, solid top, nice bumpers. Drawers lock and door locks (same key works for both), if that matters to you. Drawers require an extra push to close enough to lock, but a minor inconvenience for the price. Great for my shed storage. It is truly easy to put together, I did it all myself, and just awesome!! He loves it and I love how it looks! The machine work on the pieces is spot on, the problem that I had was that my wrist was sore after putting 8 pieces together. 2 large storage, 2 overheads, 2 work benches, and 2 rolling carts. I also got him the peg board and a stool to match! I just have to hang the overheads and I will get some great pics! Took longer to put together than we originally thought but very happy with the end result. Bought this a few weeks ago. Easy to assemble and a very useful cabinet. We have a small area to work in. This product was a great addition to our work space. I have built 4 of these now and I love them. Construction is excellent for the price you pay. Sometimes you will get some alignment issues but the key to that is to NOT tighten all of the screws 100% when building the unit. Wait until you have all the screws about 90% tight then complete the assembly. I cant tell you how much this will help you when you do the assembly, very important for alignment of panels and drawers. It turned out to be perfect. The unit is well built, good powder coating and easy to assemble. It is well worth the hour or so that it took to put it together. Great value, great product. I was looking for a rolling cabinet. AFAIK, Whirlpool stopped making the Gladiator cabinets. I took a chance on these Seville Classics. I’m glad I did. No missing parts, all holes lined up without any problems. The ball bearing drawer slides are a nice feature, as well as the fully extendable drawers. This is a well built cabinet and I would recommend it to my friends. Exactly what we were looking for at a reasonable price. The cabinet is excellent even with the slight damage to one side. The ordering of the was a different story, I ordered it on the mobile soft and it is the slowest and most unfriendly site to use. Items end up in your cart that you didn’t put the and it can be very difficult to remove. Utility and Storage Cart. When the package arrived and I opened it to put it together it seemed like it would be a difficult process… To my surprise was very easy. The directions and putting the cart together went together very easy. They sent one screwdriver and that was the only tool I needed. When finished was amazed at the quality of the product. Very well made and assembly instructions clear. We had a lot of difficulty with Sam’s online ordering process but after three tries and several calls to customer service we were finally able to get this item ordered. The item itself is very well made. There is a lot of assembly and many parts but all the parts are clearly labeled and the instructions are very easy to understand and the step by step process is clear. It did take a few hours to assemble but everything fit together well. The only issue we had was the last piece to attach is the door and when we unwrapped it we found that there was a large dent on the front. I contacted Seville’s customer service and after providing the necessary info. Took a while to put together but the unit is very sturdy and well built. All the pieces fit perfectly.. The finished cabinet is worth the exacting assembly procedure. I have put several of this companies cabinets. Take your time and the product is worth it. Seville Classics UltraHD Rolling Storage Cabinet. Well built, pretty easy to assemble, and feels very solid. Sturdy cabinet, which is used in a commercial kitchen. Assembly is required; however, all parts are clearly marked, the instructions are clear, and assembly takes minimal effort. If you can follow recipe instructions, you should be able to complete assembly within an hour. Great for the price! Worked wonderful for what we needed. Heavy duty with a nice solid wood top. Excellent product-best design, simplest assembly. Assembly was so simple, almost impossible to make a mistake. I never saw anything so easy to put together and setup so well. Every piece had reference number, description and minor direction on the parts. And is preferred, Best price and product. This Cabinet is Awesome!!!! The 6 inch wheels easy transition any flooring. The stainless and wood look is perfect for in office use. The pieces are labeled well enough to visualize the assembly without instructions. I accidentally threw mine away I believe because I couldn’t find them. The best movable storage and work surface I have. The combination of drawers and shelves gives flexible storage. The work surface is ideal for may small jobs at the right height. The large lockable wheels make it easy to move on any surface, even carpet. This was a gift for Christmas. Surprisingly it was pretty easy to put together. This was a great deal and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a sturdy cabinet. The finished product is constructed in a manner to last for two if not three generations. All at a very reasonable price. This cabinet was delivered fast and easy to assemble if you read the instructions. I had to put it together but the instructions were very easy. Arrived undamaged and very well packed. Took me about two hours to assemble. Assembled unit is solid and well built. Thanks both Seville and Walmart. Excellent tool/storage for garage! I bought 2 of these for my husband for Christmas. We’ve already assembled them and he’s using them and loves them! They look fantastic and are durable & usable as well! Well priced and durable. This needs to be put together, but the instructions are very clear. This is mobile, durable. One of my favorite features is the height of this is not too tall. Perfect for a workstation. I bought this to use as aworkstation for my chamber vacuum sealer. The drawers and cabinet hold supplies and the whole thing doesn’t have a problem with the 200 pound weight of the vacuum machine. Keeping them out of the children’s hands. I put it together by myself. There were a lot of parts and bolts. The instructions were very good and the parts well labeled. It took me two days, cause my hand got sore from the screwdriver. The cart is very nice and study. This is a well built cart. They are used as storage stations for the groomers to store their equipment in. My only issue was putting it together. There were so many pieces, thankfully it came with great instructions. Rolling Storage Cabinet with drawers. I was looking for a sturdy LOCKING cabinet for my school library in which to store some hand-held electronic equipment. This cabinet fits the bill nicely! Though it has many pieces and I admit that I was a bit intimidated, it turned out to be quite simple to assemble! It takes some time, but not bad. The instruction booklet is very detailed and easy to understand. The cabinet side locks separately from the drawer side, but with the same key, which is convenient. These and the push bar (which could also be used for hanging hand towels-for those of you using this for its intended purpose in the garage) make it super simple to move the cart to desired locations. Plus, if you love the Industrial Design look, this cabinet and its partner, would look great in a kitchen! Overall, this is a great product and a good price! I have been pleased with its performance in the past and expect no difference with this cabinet. They are relatively easy to put together and very functional in my garage. Very pleased better than expected. Overall I was very pleased with quality of this cabinet. The fit and finish were better than expected for the price! Instructions were easy to follow. This tool cabinet is perfect for our busy shop. Inexpensive, yet offers great value with easy to use drawers that are lockable. Love that it has casters and wood, heavy duty top. Stout, Heavy-duty, Rolls-like-a-dream, cabinet. I believe the description said no assembly required, but no biggie. Just know up front it comes in a’million’ pieces. The box weighs a little over 100 lbs. With that being said, the engineering on this is top-friggin-notch! Never had a hole misaligned and only has three different screw sizes, but mainly two (cabinet assembles with one size and drawers with another). Make sure you follow the directions… Er, look a the pictures. I had’worked ahead’ a few screws and ended up removing them, as it wasn’t time to populate that hole. The single shelf provided in the cabinet area is adjustable. The polished wood top is a nice touch. It has a sturdy push-bar to move cabinet around. The huge casters make moving it around easy-peasy. It stands just about waist high on me, which is just right. The drawers come with pre-cut’grippy’ liners. All-in-all, this is a sturdy little beast. The drawers push into a’locked’ position so they won’t just roll out when you’re moving this around. It also can be key locked. A lot of thought went into the engineering of this cabinet, and seems no stone was left un-turned. Great product, good quality and easy setup. Great for the garage it’s extremely durable and easy to put together. The wheels help to move around for cleaning or just organizing purposes. We have had 2 of these just over a year. They have been great. My only real complaint is they are difficult to get finger prints off of. Very easy to assemble a little time consuming just because of the number of pieces and fasteners. The directions were very clear and the items were clearly labeled and packaged. No missing or damaged parts. Not one missing or defective fastener. I would recommend 11/2 hours for assembly on the roll around sand 20 minutes on the wall cabinets. I tried a power screwdriver and the screwdriver packaged with the kit actually worked out better for me. Overall highly satisfied with this product. I orderd these carts for work. They are very good and exactly what we need. The one thing i would change with this is where the handle is located. I would have put the handle on the handle. Here at my job we use these for medical supplies to draw blood. Some people like them and others do not. Me personally i love it. Super Duper Roll Around Drawer Unit! Heavy duty, very well constructed equipment. Great instructions-2 hour assembly. I have all Seville products in my garage. Workbench, wall cabinets, peg board, stainless stool and now the roll around storage unit!! The entire Ultra HD line of products are excellent. The quality of the HD product line is excellent and the assembly directions are very well done. All the hardware was 102% (extra fasteners) and was well packaged and organized. The ability to level the work bench with the adjustable feet is also a nice feature. We how have 3 benches and three roll out cabinets. Works well with the bench. Received the two cabinets a day earlier than expected. I opened the box and it looked like a lot of pieces and screws. Assembly was easy once read and followed instructions. Quality is very good, draw rollers are heavy duty. Large wheels makes it very easy to maneuver around garage. I was hesitant about ordering this with a few bad reviews but glad I did. It was better than I thought. The direction are all pictures you can not make a mistake putting it together. All parts and screws are well marked and it went together perfect. It did take about two hours Each part fit perfect. After I got it together I thought it was way to nice for garage. The wood top is very nice.. Took me almost an hour to unpack it & sort out everything. Well worth the effort. Overall , a very good value. Many parts but easy to install. Great quality and works well. This cabinet comes completely disassembled and has lots of parts. However, all the parts were there and each piece had the part number on it. The directions were good and showed the top and front of the pieces for proper assembly. I like the fact that the top is solid wood and not MDF or particle board. The casters are large and sturdy and have a locking feature. I also have the 6 drawer cabinet and like that this cabinet has deeper drawers that it has. Solid wood top is even nicer than expected! This tool cart is very well made, The wheels are very strong and can handle the heavy weight when the cart is full of tools. The instructions were easy to follow and there were no surprises. All parts were well packaged with no damage and nothing missing. I would definitely recommend this. This is a class act. Breeze to put together, excellent craftsmanship, Quality parts, they give you everything including screwdriver to put it together. The box is bulky and heavy. It takes 2-3 hrs to build. The instructions are clear and fairly easy to follow. Each piece is properly marked with the piece number and directional labels to ensure the piece is installed correctly ie. Arrow w/label’Top’ and a 2nd arrow w/ label’Front’. All pieces and screw holes lined up and all screws thread into thread bosses behind the holes making for strong attachment points. But be prepared – many screws to assemble this cabinet. The castors are the 4 – bolt pattern that bolt into each corner which is superior to some mfrs that provide screw type castors. The wheels are sufficiently large making for easy rolling. Ball bearing drawer slides operate smoothly. The top appears to be a butcher block maple, etc with a nice top finish. The finished product is very good quality and perception is that it will last many years! Better than any other that I’ve seen! Instructions to assemble were great. Screw driver with magnetic head (sometimes a pain) included as well as one extra of each screw. Great for your tools and storage! This is an excellent unit and at a great value. Allow a few hours for assembly, but once your done it really is a nice piece. It’s surpassed my expectations. I never write a review about anything. But I’m telling you Seville has done it right. Good-quality easy assembly all the tools you need. That’s all I’ve got to say about that! Follow the directions and the cabinet is easy to assemble. Everything fits together well. I love the large casters. I pull this unit out and use it as a work space all over the garage. Locking front casters make this feasible. It tucks under my Ultra HD 72 inch work bench beautifully. They even supply a magnetized screw driver which works very well and extra parts. You’ll like it. A solidly built tool cart for a reasonable price. I bought this for my reloading room and it meets my needs perfectly. I also have the high table that goes with this set and these carts fit perfectly underneath it to save valuable space. It does take about 2-3 hours to assemble using a cordless drill to screw in the many screws that come with it. Directions are clear though and assembly is fairly easy, just a bit time consuming. Quality is our Hallmark! We are happy to offer our self designed outdoor furniture along with some of the best handpicked patio furniture and home decor items at competitive prices. If ordering electrical items outside of the U. Please note that they will come equipped with a standard U. You will need a suitable adapter to use the item in your country. An adult signature will be required. Please be sure to have available help on hand to assist you with moving the item to the desired location in or outside of your home. Orders are processed immediately and dispatched to fulfillment systems as soon as they are received. For this reason, we are typically unable to honor cancellation requests. If the order has gone too far through the fulfillment process, we will be unable to cancel. If you have any question regarding our products. We will get back to you at our earliest. Listed by Sku Fetch. The item “Seville Classics Heavy Duty XL 4-Drawer Rolling Cabinet Locking Steel Tool Box” is in sale since Wednesday, September 18, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Tools & Workshop Equipment\Tool Boxes & Storage\Tool Boxes”. The seller is “love_for_orphans” and is located in Warehouse. This item can be shipped to United States.
- Model: 20205
- UPC: Does not apply
- EAN: Does not apply
- Type: Tool Cart
- Features: Lockable
- Color: Silver
- MPN: 20205
- Brand: Seville Classics
Rolling Tool Chest 4 Drawer Locking Tool Cabinet On Wheels Bottom Chest Storage
ROLLING TOOL CHEST 4 DRAWER LOCKING TOOL CABINET ON WHEELS BOTTOM CHEST STORAGE. 50-lb drawers with ball bearing slides open and close smoothly every time. 4.5′ casters can support up to 650 lbs. Hyper Tough tool cabinet provides extra storage. Get organized by using the Hyper Tough 4-Drawer Rolling Tool Cabinet. This unit will keep various tools stored away and protected while also allowing them to be easily accessed. The Hyper Tough tool cabinet will come in handy in a garage, warehouse and any other places where lots of tools are used. It features wheels on the bottom that make it easier for you to roll it around from place to place. The Hyper Tough rolling tool cabinet features ball bearing slides on each drawer that make opening and closing them easier. It measures 26’W, giving tons of space to store tools and other accessories. The Hyper Tough 4-Drawer Rolling Tool Cabinet is built to be sturdy and is able to take on the wear and tear of daily use. Hyper Tough 4-Drawer Rolling Tool Cabinet with Ball-Bearing Slides, 26’W. Flexible storage solution that can be used on its own, rolled under a workbench or used with a Hyper Tough tool chest. Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 26.50 x 18.00 x 32.50 Inches. Customer service is our top priority! Please be sure to read the description thoroughly to make sure that this is the item you want before making a purchasing decision. We make every effort possible to accurately describe and depict the items. Please be aware that slight variations in color may be due to differences in lighting and computer monitor resolutions. Thank you for shopping with us. We appreciate your business! If ordering electrical items outside of the U. Please note that they will come equipped with a standard U. You will need a suitable adapter to use the item in your country. An adult signature will be required. Please be sure to have available help on hand to assist you with moving the item to the desired location in or outside of your home. Only factory defects are accepted as a reason for a return. In the case of factory defects, if available, we will replace the product for you. When returning an item, it must be in all of the original packaging and include all of the original accessories or items that came with it. The item and package should be in original and perfect condition. We do our best to process as quickly as possible. Orders are processed immediately and dispatched to fulfillment as soon as they are received. For this reason, we are typically unable to honor cancellation requests. If the order has gone too far through the fulfillment process, we will be unable to cancel. Please note that electronic items are only rated for use inside the United States. If you order an electronic item for use outside the USA, that is at your own risk. If the product gets damaged or does not work, you will be liable and we will not accept a return of the item. Listed by Sku Fetch. The item “ROLLING TOOL CHEST 4 DRAWER LOCKING TOOL CABINET ON WHEELS BOTTOM CHEST STORAGE” is in sale since Thursday, September 5, 2019. This item is in the category “Home & Garden\Tools & Workshop Equipment\Tool Boxes & Storage\Tool Boxes”. The seller is “bargainhunters829″ and is located in Multiple Locations . This item can be shipped to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Finland, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Estonia, Australia, Greece, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Japan, China, Sweden, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, South africa, Thailand, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bahamas, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Saudi arabia, Ukraine, United arab emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Croatia, Malaysia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa rica, Dominican republic, Panama, Trinidad and tobago, Guatemala, El salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Antigua and barbuda, Aruba, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Saint kitts and nevis, Saint lucia, Montserrat, Turks and caicos islands, Barbados, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Brunei darussalam, Bolivia, Ecuador, Egypt, French guiana, Guernsey, Gibraltar, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Jersey, Jordan, Cambodia, Cayman islands, Liechtenstein, Sri lanka, Luxembourg, Monaco, Macao, Martinique, Maldives, Nicaragua, Oman, Peru, Pakistan, Paraguay, Reunion, Viet nam, Uruguay, Russian federation.
- Type: Tool Cabinet
- Color: Black
- MPN: Does Not Apply
- Brand: Hyper Tough